What Are Groups of Sharks Called

What Are Groups of Sharks Called

What Are Groups of Sharks Called

Sharks are some of the most fascinating creatures that inhabit the world’s oceans. These apex predators have captured the imagination of humans for centuries, inspiring awe and fear alike. While they are often solitary hunters, sharks also exhibit social behaviors and can be found in groups, known by specific collective nouns.

What Is A Group Of Sharks Called?

Schools of Sharks

One of the most common terms used to describe a group of sharks is a “school.” Similar to fish schools, shark schools are gatherings of the same species, and they can vary in size. Schools offer numerous benefits to the sharks, including increased protection, more efficient hunting, and opportunities for social interactions. 

For Example: Hammerhead sharks are known to form schools that may consist of several dozen individuals.

Shivers of Sharks

Another interesting term used to describe a group of sharks is a “shiver.” Shivers are often associated with certain shark species, such as the small-toothed sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus), which is known for its distinctive behavior of shaking or shivering its body. Shivers can vary in size and may consist of just a few individuals or dozens of sharks.

Feeding Frenzies

When sharks gather to feed on a concentrated food source, such as a school of fish or a carcass, it is referred to as a “feeding frenzy.” During these frenzies, sharks become highly agitated and excited, displaying intense feeding behavior. Despite their fearsome reputation, sharks rarely pose a threat to humans during feeding frenzies, as their focus is primarily on the available food.

Gam of Sharks

Less commonly used, the term “gam” refers to a gathering of whales or sharks. The word “gam” has historical maritime roots and was originally used to describe a meeting between two or more whaling ships on the open sea. Over time, the term has evolved to encompass gatherings of certain marine species, including sharks.

Pods of Sharks

The term “pod” is commonly associated with marine mammals like dolphins and whales, but it is also occasionally used to describe groups of sharks. Pods of sharks usually consist of juvenile sharks, and their formation is believed to offer additional protection against predators. Certain species, like the dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus), are known to form pods during their early life stages.

Interesting Facts About Sharks

  • Sharks have been around for over 400 million years.
  • The oldest known shark fossil is from a species called Cladoselache, which lived in the Devonian period.
  • There are over 500 species of sharks.
  • The largest shark is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), which can grow up to 40 feet long (12meters).
  • The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark, which only grows up to 8 inches long.
  • Sharks have a very keen sense of smell, and they can smell a drop of blood in a million gallons of water.
  • Sharks have electroreceptors, which allow them to sense the electrical fields of other animals.
  • Sharks are not cold-blooded, as they have a layer of tissue called a rete mirabile that helps to regulate their body temperature.
  • Sharks do not have bones, but they have a skeleton made of cartilage.
  • Sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem, and they play a vital role in keeping populations of other fish in check.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do sharks sleep?

A: Sharks do not sleep in the same way that humans do. They experience periods of rest where they reduce their activity, but they must keep moving to ventilate their gills and maintain oxygen flow.

Q: Are sharks a threat to humans?

A: Shark attacks on humans are rare, and sharks generally do not consider humans as prey. Most incidents occur due to mistaken identity or curiosity. Practicing safe swimming and respecting their natural habitat can minimize the risk.

Q: How many species of sharks are there?

A: There are over 500 recognized species of sharks. New species are occasionally discovered as scientists continue to explore the depths of the oceans.

Q: Do sharks have any predators?

A: Adult sharks have few natural predators due to their position as apex predators. However, some larger sharks may prey on smaller shark species, and young sharks may face threats from other marine predators.

Q: What do sharks eat?

A: Sharks have diverse diets depending on their species and habitat. Most are carnivorous and feed on fish, squid, marine mammals, and even other sharks. Filter-feeding sharks like the whale shark consume plankton and small fish.

Q: How long do sharks live?

A: The lifespan of sharks varies among species. Some smaller species may live for a few years, while larger species like the great white shark can live up to 70 years or more.

Q: Do sharks need to keep swimming to stay alive?

A: While most sharks do need to keep swimming to maintain a constant flow of oxygen over their gills, some species can use buccal pumping to respire while at rest.

Q: Are all sharks dangerous to humans?

A: No, most shark species are not dangerous to humans. Only a small percentage of shark species are responsible for shark attacks, and the majority of sharks are harmless and pose no threat to people.

Q: How can we protect sharks from extinction?

A: Conservation efforts play a crucial role in protecting shark populations. Implementing fishing regulations, establishing marine protected areas, and raising awareness about the importance of sharks in marine ecosystems are some ways to safeguard these magnificent creatures.


Sharks are awe-inspiring creatures that have captured human fascination for centuries. While they are often portrayed as fierce and dangerous predators, sharks play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. As apex predators, they help regulate prey populations, ensuring the health of oceanic food webs.